Thursday, June 5, 2008

Facebook Advertising Better Than Google AdSense?

In a previous post, I mentioned that the developers at the42 used Facebook advertising as well as Google AdSense. Couldn't remember why they preferred Facebook, but I've got the scoop from the developers. There are 2 main reasons:
  1. With Facebook, you can target your ads to an age group and geographical region. Unless Google is even smarter than I think, they don't know how old you are :)
  2. Cost per click with Facebook was 15 cents. Google ads? Up to 4 bucks a click. Apparently the keywords "waterloo real estate" are in high demand these days ... go figure.
Oh, and I must point out that Michael Swart did allude to the geography advantage in his comment on the original post. Good call Michael!

And yes, Google can sort of figure out where you are based on your IP address .. Does anyone know if they actually use that, or allow advertisers to restrict on that?

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